Graduate Students interested in or pursing a graduate degree in Drama, English, Speech, or Education.
The recipient of the scholarship should have a history of successful academic achievement and demonstrate financial need.
Preference will be given to applicants who have teaching experience and clearly articulate their plans to pursue the profession of teaching in a higher level of education.
Recipient must send thank you letter to: Dr. Dietrich.
Recipient’s name can be published as a scholarship recipient.
Failure to meet the requirements of this scholarship may cause scholarships to be revoked.
This scholarship may entitle an out of state resident to the Non-Resident Tuition Exemption as outlined by the Texas A&M University-Commerce Policy on Non-Resident Tuition Exemption for Competitive Scholarship Recipients.
If applicable: Please submit a one –to-two page essay detailing your teaching experience (if applicable) and clearly articulating your plans to pursue the profession of teaching in a higher level of education.